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Parking and Visitor Information

Families & Visitors

We ask that all LPES parents and guests:

* Sign in to the building via the Lobby Guard upon being buzzed in the front doors.
* Obtain a visitor's badge and only go to the location for which you signed in.
* Please sign out in the main office after your visit is over.  Only exit the building utilizing the front doors.
* Please DO NOT hold the door to let anyone into the building - even if you know the person, we require that all visitors be buzzed in to LPES.
* Visitation of children during the school day is prohibited. However, if your child requires medicine, kindly contact our school nurse, Mrs. Cifelli.  
* Dropping Off Items:  If your child is bringing in birthday treats or forgets a lunch, backpack, etc., kindly place the items (clearly labeled) in the security bins outside the front doors and we will be sure your child gets the item(s).

When buzzing in, you may be asked to state your name, your child's name, and the purpose of your visit.  Thank you for your help with maintaining our security and the security of your children. 


Parking Guidelines & Procedures

Additionally, we ask that all LPES parents and guests follow our parking guidelines and procedures.  Please see the following information for both Morning & Afternoon Drop-Off and Pick-up Procedures. 

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and attention to the above.  It is our hope that you have a fabulous visit to LPES!

Thank you,
Mrs. Bammer


Morning Drop-Off Procedures

All cars will be directed to the back parking lot where a drop-off circle will form.  Cars will drive to the back parking lot, FOLLOW THE ARROWS, and drive around IN ONE DROP-OFF LINE to the walker door (the door the children come out of in the afternoon where the blue crosswalk is).  Once you pull up to the drop-off area, you will let your child(ren) out of the car.  Remember it is "drop and go" - no getting out of the car to put the backpack on, give kisses, walk them to the door, etc. - and your child(ren) will walk to the door.  A teacher will be on duty and will be monitoring the children entering the building.

PRESCHOOL PARENTS - You will not be a part of the drop-off line.  You will park in any available parking space and walk your child(ren) to the back door by the cafeteria (the little path that is between the school and the storage sheds), where your child's teacher will get the children and walk them to class at 9:00 a.m.  Please note that this is for morning preschool only.  Afternoon preschool will continue as is.
PARENTS WHO NEED TO COME IN TO THE SCHOOL - You also will not be a part of the drop-off line.  Please park in any available parking space and walk to the front of the school, where you will ring the doorbell to enter the building.
STUDENTS WHO ARRIVE LATE TO SCHOOL (after 9 a.m.) - Parents, please park in an available parking space and walk your child(ren) to the front door and then in to the main office to check in.
As usual, we encourage those students who have bus passes to come to school and go home from school via the buses.  

Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures

All walkers/pick-up students will be dismissed from the door located in the fourth grade wing (the wing behind the media center).  If you are picking up your child, you are asked to park in a marked parking space in the back parking lot (PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ALL DIRECTIONAL ARROWS) and wait for your child on the macadam outside of the fourth grade wing.  Please do not crowd the door.  No cars will be allowed to park along the yellow curbs leading to the back parking lot or in the back parking lot.  Students will only be dismissed out of the fourth grade door when a parent/guardian is present.  All bus students will exit out the main front door.

For a step-by-step afternoon pick-up guide, click here (use the back arrow once you have viewed the document).